Free Printable 1440AH Islamic Calendar, New Concept Design

Free Printable 1440AH Islamic Calendar, New Concept Design

Ismaila Ikani Sule
September 21, 2018

Screenshot of the Zaafirah Islamic Calendar usable concept

The Islamic Lunar Calendar has been in use for over fourteen centuries. Each year consists of 12 months and each month has either 29 or 30 days.

Unlike with the current solar calendar in which dates can be predetermined and arranged in advance, this lunar calendar (in many cases) tends to have its dates determined by the physical sighting of the moon. One could argue that moon phases for different parts of the world can be scientifically calculated and predetermined, but for the common man on the streets (in most countries) sighting the moon or hearing it has been sighted by many other people is a guaranteed-enough method. And when you’re stranded somewhere without a calendar, one sure means of guessing the day of the month is by observing the shape of the moon, seeing as the sun basically remains the same.

The Problem

One common problem with modern lunar calendars, however, is that many publishers tend to pick a set of predetermined dates (using the solar calendar dates) and use them. This leads to a calendar becoming basically useless at any point a moon sighting is used leading to the end and start dates of the months differing from that printed on the calendar. If the calendar states a month ends on the 30th day but the moon is spotted on the 29th night, the rest of the dates on that calendar have basically become incorrect to the person using the moon sighting.

Also a calendar published in one part of the world would become unusable in a different part of the world with a different set of observed moon phases.

My late father and I had pondered a way around this interesting problem for several years. We tried different designs and calculations but the results were often too cumbersome and impractical.

How would you design a lunar wall calendar which was

  • simple and in a printed form without any physically moving parts or digital/electronic displays
  • couldĀ  be used in multiple locations with different observed moon phases
  • could cater to the probabilities of every month having either 29 or 30 days?

Over a year after my father’s passing away, I came up with a concept which basically tackles these problems without being too complicated. It is by no means 100% perfect, but it is a usable version.

Features of the New Concept Lunar Calendar Design

  • Unlike with a conventional solar calendar layout where the days of the week have a fixed layout of Monday to Friday while the dates are adapted to them, in this lunar calendar design it is the dates 1 to 29/30 which are in a fixed layout while the dates are adapted to them.
  • Each date has 7 probable days of the week attached to them, the right one determined by the sighting of the moon at the end of a previous month, with each of these probable days represented by a coloured block.
  • The solar date of September 11, 2018 has been used for the first day of the lunar month, Muharram, 1440AH.
  • The calendar has an A3 paper size design.

How to Use

  • First the user determines the start of a new month with the sighting of the new moon.
  • The user then checks the coloured block representing the first day (with solar date included) of that month.
  • The user makes a note of this on the calendar by ticking one of the 7 boxes, arranged on the top left side of the calendar, which bears the colour matching that of the first day of the month. For example, on the calendar, Muharram 1 is set to September 11 which is set in a light blue block, thus the light blue box on top has been ticked.
  • The user then proceeds to follow the days and dates bearing the ticked colour. In the case of the Muharram, stated in the example above, all the dates with days in light blue blocks are followed.
  • Even if the user is unable to determine a date by moon sighting, any colour can be chosen and followed through a month. At any given time the correct date is established, the user simply switches to the correctly corresponding colour.

Download the Calendar

Get the calendar now by using the link below:
